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  + Pipes and Fittings
  - Pipes and Fittings
  + API 6D Pipeline Valves
  - Fully Welded Ball Valve
  - Through Conduit Gate Valves
  - Full Bore Check Valve
  - API 6D Plug Valve
  + API 6A Valves
  - API 6A Ball Valve
  - API 6A Gate Valve
  - Positive Choke Valve
  - Adjustable Choke Valve
  - API 6A Slab Gate Valve
  - Wellhead Equipment and Xmas Tree
  + Ball Valve
  - Floating Ball Valve
  - Trunnion Mounted Ball Valve
  - Metal-to-metal Seated Ball Valve
  - Top Entry Ball Valve
  + Butterfly Valve
  - Double Eccentric Butterfly Valve
  - Triple Offset Butterfly Valve
  + Check Valve
  - Swing Check Valve
  - Dual Plate Wafer Check Valve
  + Control Valve
  - Single Seated Control Valve
  - Cage-guided Control Valve
  - Eccentric Rotating Control Valve
  - Three Way Control Valve
  - V-type Ball Control Valve
  - Multi-stage Depress Pressure Control Valve
  + Gate Valve
  - Wedge Gate Valve01
  - Wedge Gate Valve
  - DIN Gate Valve
  - Knife Gate Valve
  + Globe Valve
  - Globe Valve
  + Plug Valve
  - Plug Valve
  + Pressure Seal Valves
  - PSV
  + Strainers
  - Strainer
 >  Pipes and Fittings

  V&C Industrial Co., Limited
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